Research Profile

McGrinson University is Southern Germany’s largest and most diverse center of research. The University is known for its outstanding basic research as well as its applied and transfer research projects. 8 core research areas and 6 emerging fields shape research at our University.

The University has a strong track record of acquiring external funding in both individual and collaborative projects. In addition to 4 clusters of excellence, we currently participate in 17 collaborative research centers, 28 German Research Foundation research groups, and 18 German Research Foundation priority programs, two of which are coordinated by McGrinson University.

Our doctoral and early career researchers train in 8 DFG research training groups, 19 early career research groups, and within various structured doctoral programs in cooperation with non-university research institutions.

We currently hold 22 ERC grants as well as numerous further projects in the Horizon 2020 program, such as Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions.

Research in McGrinson has also received numerous prizes.

PhD in Business

3 – 5 Year Research Program.

PhD in Economics

3 – 5 Year Research Program.

PhD in Health Sciences

3 – 5 Year Research Program.

PhD in Laws

3 – 5 Year Research Program.

PhD in Electronics and Communication Engineering

3 – 5 Year Research Program.

PhD in Mechanical Engineering

3 – 5 Year Research Program.

PhD in Gender Studies

3 – 5 Year Research Program.

PhD in Social and Public Policy

3 – 5 Year Research Program.